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Core Training

The core is the midsection of your body and its muscles stabilize your entire physique. Training these muscles helps correct any problems with your posture, which may lead to injuries. Hence, strengthening your core is essential to improve all of the movements you perform during your day to day activities.



Core training is simply doing specific exercises to develop and strengthen these stabilizing muscles.

With a strong core, your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen will work in harmony, while keeping the rest of your body in balance.

With my program, we start with simple movements, teaching your brain and body to engage your core in any exercise you perform. This in turn leads to better posture and stability. In fact, all sports and other physical activities depend on powerful core muscles for maximum performance.

To create real strong abs we build the strength from inside, from within the deepest layers of the core and the result is a beautiful, well defined stomach!

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